The pottery artists have been perfecting their craft over the past 5 years under the tuition of the very talented Carol Nicolson. Elli Moody joined the team two years ago and together with our wonderful volunteers have supported our artists to turn out some amazing pieces. We started asking ourselves “What are we going to do next?” The artist love fundraising for things and we thought why not start a little social enterprise? Where the money earned goes back into the program to buy more specialised equipment so they can keep refining their skills.

So The Corner Shop was born. Elli Moody was fantastic; she got in and cleaned out the storeroom, painted the walls and started sourcing furniture from verge pick-ups and items that weren’t being used in centre. We launched the shop as a part of the Stretch Festival’s Art Trail in May.

The artists are now doing commissions, making funky jewellery, magnets, sculptures etc. and the shop is proving to be quite successful. We’ve been able to buy most of the items on their wish list and they are enjoying thinking of new things to make for their shop.

So if you’re passing by come and have a look. Otherwise check out the Facebook page where the artist can take your order online!