Aged Care Gardening and Home Maintenance Services
Aged care gardening services are part of Chorus home support to ensure seniors are able to live the life they choose in comfortable and familiar surroundings. This means there’s no need to worry about garden care; our in-home aged care services provide the gardening assistance you need.
Our friendly home care services team helps maintain your garden, as well as your outdoor and indoor areas.
If you’re not feeling confident about working in the garden or doing small jobs around the house, let the Chorus gardening and home maintenance team help. We provide services for tasks that keep your home looking nice and your garden tidy and make you feel safe in your own home.
Do you need help in the garden or with indoor and outdoor home maintenance?
We have a helpful team working on gardening and home maintenance activities.
This includes:
- Garden Services – pruning, whipper-snipping, lawn mowing and weed control;
- Indoor home maintenance – changing light bulbs, making minor repairs, cleaning ceiling fans and light fittings, installing battery-operated smoke alarms and replacing alarm batteries;
- Outdoor home maintenance – repotting plants, cleaning cobwebs, outside window cleaning (where accessible), and other small home maintenance tasks you previously performed on your own.
One-off garden clean-ups may be available but will require a consultation. If you need help with household cleaning, visit our aged care cleaning and home help page.
Contact the Chorus Aged care gardening and home maintenance services team
Want Chorus to contact you at a time that suits you? Fill in your details below and one of our team members will be in contact.
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