Customer Feedback
We want to hear from you
If you have suggestions about how we can do things better, or you want to recognise someone from Chorus who has provided an excellent service, we want to hear from you. Don’t hesitate to tell us if you are unhappy about something. We value the information customers share with us because it helps us develop better customer service experiences for everyone.
How to provide feedback
We try to make it as easy as possible for you to get in touch with us. If you need some support to provide us with your feedback, this support can be provided by Chorus staff, family members or an advocacy service and we can help you to organise this. Here are all the ways you can lodge a complaint or provide suggestions to us:
- Complete an online feedback form below.
- Talk to any staff member at Chorus. They will ensure your feedback is passed on to the right person.
- Call us on the phone on 1800 264 268.
- Contact the Chorus CEO directly. You can phone Chorus and ask for the CEO. You can also write to the CEO at our corporate office using this address:
Chief Executive Officer
43 Planet Street,
Carlisle WA 6101
What to expect when you report a concern or complaint
We give top priority to any concern or complaint about the quality of services you receive from Chorus.
- You will be notified within three business days of when we receive your complaint.
- We will assign the appropriate person to look into your complaint.
- We will work with you to resolve any concern you have.
- We welcome your insight. Expressing concerns or making a complaint will not affect the services you receive.
You may also send your feedback to the external regulator according to what type of support you access through Chorus
NDIS Services
- Phone: 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY 133 677. Interpreters can be arranged
- National Relay Service and ask for 1800 035 544
- Visit their website
Aged Care Services (CHSP and HCP)
- Phone: 1800 951 822
- Letter: Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission GPO Box 9819
- Visit their website:
Mental Health Services
- Visit their website:
The Chorus promise:

We love our work and it shows in the way we treat everyone.

We do what it takes to solve a problem by rolling up our sleeves and getting the job done.

Our staff and volunteers connect people with communities.

We bring fun and friendship to our work.