Disability Services: Community Connections

Make an enquiry

Get out and about with us and stay connected with your community.

Visit places of interest
Pursue a hobby
Make new friends

Chorus social activities are fun ways to meet new people, visit places of interest, try something different, or pursue a hobby or interest. Customer ideas for outings are always very welcome!

Check out Ability Arts to see some of the things they get up to, including:

  • art
  • music
  • dancing and
  • outings to local cafes and places of interest.

We can also help you with transport to and from social activities.

Thank you all. The art class has made me feel human again, a part of something.
“Thank you all. The art class has made me feel human again, a part of something.“

Contact the Chorus Disability services: community connections team

Want Chorus to contact you at a time that suits you? Fill in your details below and one of our team members will be in contact.

The Chorus promise:

We love our work and it shows in the way we treat everyone.

We love our work and it shows in the way we treat everyone.

We do what it takes to solve a problem by rolling up our sleeves and getting the job done.

We do what it takes to solve a problem by rolling up our sleeves and getting the job done.

Our staff and volunteers connect people with communities.

Our staff and volunteers connect people with communities.

We bring fun and friendship to our work.

We bring fun and friendship to our work.