Aged Care Transport Services
Chorus aged care transport services provide seniors with a way to safely and confidently get where they need to be and stay connected with their community.
Maintaining your independence and staying active
Many seniors are happily independent but they may no longer drive or don’t have good access to public transport. This can lead to them missing out on social activities or feeling shut in. Chorus aged care transport services help people live the life they choose and get where they want to go.
Chorus transport services are the perfect solution
Services are provided in taxis by trained drivers and in Chorus vehicles driven by Chorus staff and volunteers. You may use our service to attend:
- Your local GP
- A medical specialist appointment or hospital
- An alternative medical appointment within your locality, for example, naturopath, podiatrist, optician, or healthcare professional
- Your nearest major shopping centre for food shopping, banking or hairdressers
- Local social visits
If you are a Chorus customer and have a transport referral through CHSP or HPC funding please call 08 9318 5777 to connect to our booking partner 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you would like to enquire about transport services, please contact your local Chorus team.Â
It’s helpful to let us know if you have any special requirements for transport or if you need mobility or disability support.
You might also be interested in our Community Connections programs as other ways to keep you active and connected to the community.
Contact the Chorus Aged care transport services team
Want Chorus to contact you at a time that suits you? Fill in your details below and one of our team members will be in contact.
The Chorus promise:

We love our work and it shows in the way we treat everyone.

We do what it takes to solve a problem by rolling up our sleeves and getting the job done.

Our staff and volunteers connect people with communities.

We bring fun and friendship to our work.